Best Silicone Nose Surgery in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Enfield Royal

Most people go through the problem of imperfect nasal aviation ways and they are not happy with the shape of their nose. But now in this modern world, many modern techniques have been designed to solve this problem of the nose. This method has gained great popularity in this era due to its wonderful and surprising effects. Several invasive or non-invasive methods have been discovered to solve this problem. But none of the techniques provides you with permanent results. But Best Silicone Nose Surgery in Dubai & Abu Dhabi is the best option which gives you long-lasting and harmless outcomes.

What are the Aims of the Process:

The main purpose of this technique is to give your nose a perfect glammy form by enhancing its tip. It is done in order to increase the formation of a somewhat flat nose. The process is performed by injecting implants through the base of your nose such that your nose will experience no visible spot or scar on it after the nose has recovered fully.

What are the Advantages of the Technique?

This technique provides you with a large number of benefits. Some of the common ones are as follows:

  • It will give your nose a much better form.
  • Your overall look will be raised with a perfect nose.
  • It will boost-up your confidence to a better extent.
  • The outcomes of the process are permanent and harm-free.
  • It is very influential in giving you the shape of your nose which has always been your desire.
  • You will obtain quite realistic and natural outcomes with this therapy.
  • Also, the therapy will give you comfortable and satisfactory results only when it is done by a highly qualified surgeon

What are the Outcomes of the Technique?

The results will give you a much better appearance. The effects of the process will remain permanent for a lifetime. However, you will observe the results just after the process has been done. But the overall outcomes will be visible after a year because your nose will take a considerable time to get a perfect shape.

Who is the Perfect Patient for this Therapy?

If you want to have this process, then you must show certain symptoms which an ideal patient for Silicon Nose Surgery in Dubai & Abu Dhabi should show. Some of the most common signs are given below:

  • If you are not a smoker, then you can go for this process.
  • Are not consuming any certain medicines or drugs being used for thinning of blood such as aspirin.
  • I have quite realistic and natural expectations about the effects of the result.
  • If you are not suffering from any specific disease or any kind of infection.
  • And the one main sign is if you do not feel good about the shape of your nose.

How Does this Method Work?

 As this is a surgical treatment, it is performed by making small incisions in the nasal cavity, and then your nostrils are isolated by making small cuts. These incisions give the physician enough place for the implant to be put in there which is prepared in accordance with the internal anatomy of your nose. 

What are the Preparations  Necessary for the Procedure?

Before performing the process the doctor will get to know the treatment areas, aims, and expectations of his patient before the treatment in the first appointment.  The physician will also check your medical history record and then he will perform a certain necessary check-up of yours in order to ensure if his client is suitable for the process or not. Further instructions regarding the surgery are provided to the candidate so that the client gets the necessary information about the process.

After your first examination is done, your physician will arrange the specific plans for the process in accordance with your needs and requirements. Then certain measures will be provided to you in order to make you prepare for the process.

You have to quit consuming certain medicines or drugs which will make your blood thin because they will make the flow of your blood increase and can initiate bleeding while the process is performing. You also have to restrain from smoking a few days before the process as it can also cause discomfort during the surgery.

How does this Process is Performed?

This therapy Silicone Nose Surgery in Dubai & Abu Dhabi is performed under the action of local anesthesia. It is used in accordance with your doctor’s choice if there is a need.

  •  The region which is to be treated is first sterilized and then cleaned in order to get rid of any type of infection. 
  • Then your physician will make some marks on your nose and then inject the local anesthesia.
  •  After this, a numbing cream is applied on the nose and then the client goes to sleep under the action of the general anesthesia.
  • After this, the physician will make small incisions that will separate both nostrils.
  • Then,  your skin is raised to make a place for the doctor to inject the implants and get your nose a newly perfect shape. 
  • The implants are injected in such a manner that the outcomes will look quite real. And the implant will not be separate from the nasal bone. 
  • After this, the treated areas will be made close by removable stitches. Then it will be secured with a bandage.


The approximate charges for Best Silicone Nose Surgery in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah vary from AED 5000 to AED 10,000. But the real price is decided after the complete examination of your nose and complexity by your doctor. 

Why Choose Us?

The doctors at our Enfield Royal Clinic are highly educated and experienced and do their jobs efficiently. If you want to go for this treatment, then book the appointment form given on our website.