Cosmetic Surgery is really a very difficult medical treatment that involves several risks and potential complications. The choice to undergo cosmetic surgery should be taken only after the proper consideration of all the advantages, disadvantages, and risks. All the information given on the website of our clinic is for the purpose of delivering general knowledge about the clinic.

Results after the Surgery:

The future results after the treatment is done are not exactly the same for everyone but it varies from one individual to another individual. The reason why the results are not exactly the same for each patient lies in the fact that everyone has a different body with unique characteristics.

Medical Suggestion:

Whether the results are desirable or not, our clinic will not be responsible for what will occur after having the treatment done. You should take a suggestion from our brilliant medical doctors in order to have a successful surgery rather than depending on the information given on the website. However, you can take some guidance from the information given on the website in order to get some better knowledge regarding the treatment. However, It is not only the thing to be fully dependent on before going for the treatment.

Disclaimers About Images:

Regarding every treatment, our websites have given the before and after pictures. From these images given on the website, you will be able to get knowledge about the expected results. However, we are not making sure that you will too get exactly the same outcomes as shown in the pictures. The results may vary as each individual has a different body.

Links Regarding the Treatment:

Our clinic has also uploaded several links on their websites regarding the treatments in order to aid their clients to get a vast amount of knowledge about the surgery or treatment. Our clinic has only uploaded these links for knowledge about the treatment. So in case, anything bad occurs to the patient by utilizing the information on our website, our clinic will not be answerable at all. 


You are not allowed to make any decision regarding any treatment if you are under eighteen because you do have not of legal age to book any appointment about the treatment. Moreover, if anything harmful happens to you then our clinic will not be answerable for anything. Make sure, that no one can blame us for any harm that has occurred after the surgery by depending on the information on the website.


All the content regarding every treatment on the website is from our clinic. All the knowledge  that is given on our website is completely secured by local property rights laws.

Cosmetic Information:

All the cosmetic information given on our website is based on individual data and research. However, the results may change and our clinic will not be responsible for any kind of change as we are not giving any guarantee for the results. As we have said before strictly follow all the directions and warnings regarding our cosmetic items, or any allergic reaction in case if they happen,  given on our website in order to get rid of any danger or harm. Moreover, you should always try new products before using them on the larger region of your skin.  By the way, always try to choose your best decision for choosing and using cosmetics. In case, if our cosmetic products do not suit you and cause some kind of allergy and harmful effects then do not use them at all, and d contact your doctor for further details.

The Efficiency of the Knowledge:

The knowledge that is given on our website is regarded to be right and perfect on the date when it was published. However, some kind of alteration in conditions that may occur after the time of proclamation may influence the efficiency of the content given at the site of our clinic.

Communicate With Us

If you still have some queries about the treatments and want to get a bit more information, then, do not feel embarrassed in order to communicate with us. In the consent form given on our website, several benefits and also the difficulties and risks are mentioned. So, before giving your sign on the form, you should read it carefully.